Thursday 16 June 2011

Sometimes life's just got to be about Jaffa Cakes and Unicorns

When I was out drinking with my friends and Muttley Bear this past lovely Saturday afternoon (note: due to public transport restrictions we like to start early and finish early before we have to sell our organs down back alleys to pay for cab fare home) the conversation turned to a variety of things, but eventually ended up (after the 4th or 5th shot) at 'how you look at life'.

Now, I am an extremely fortunate person, I might whinge about how I'm nearly 30 and I've done nothing (not true) but in actual fact I have a lot of things to be grateful for. Not least my lovely Muttley Bear, my fantastic friends and the fact I don't have to cut off my hair to sell to a wig makers to buy bread. So, yeah, I am a really lucky girl.

Some people I know aren't so fortunate in the luck states. Whether it's coping with no money, dealing with an insanely demanding family, having the roof fall in (and that came in 3rd of 'things that went wrong this week') or just having to deal with long term complications these people are being bombarded with stress.

And yet they manage it brilliantly.

I am truly in awe of them. Situations that would have me crawling down to the basement and weeping (loudly and hysterically) barely makes them bat an eyelid. They swoop through life with aplomb and grace and are always there when their more pathetic friend (me) needs a helping hand.

When I asked them how they could deal with it all, and deal with it without turning into a bitter, twisted harridan, they answered 'yeah, life can be crap sometimes - but what's the point of only focusing on the bad stuff? That'll get you nowhere. Sometimes you just have to focus on the good, the silly, the funny, the frivolous. Sometimes life just has to be about Jaffa Cakes and Unicorns'

So, this post, vastly insufficient an offering though it is, it dedicated to them. The friends I know who take on the worst life can throw at them and then make life run crying for its mother.


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