Thursday 2 June 2011


Greetings One and All

Rather pathetically, this is my first time blogging. So, if I make any crass errors or generally just end up looking like a doofus (a strong possibility given my nature) I must beg your forgiveness.

This blog began with the horrific realisation this morning that it was June already. June, halfway through the year. This would not be such an issue (after all, I love summer) were it not for the fact that it still feels more like February. This idle reflection on the nature of passing time led to a much more shocking one - that at this rate I would be 30 before I knew it.

Surely, you say, this isn't such a massive issue. Of course it isn't, 30 is still young. However, I had planned to see the world, write several best sellers and have my own cult following by the time I was 26 and as yet, none of that has happened. Which sucks.

Therefore, seeing as my plans for world dominion not coming to fruition has been my own fault since I simply have not put the effort in, I have decided to train myself (and perhaps gain followers for future plans) to work harder and accomplish more. If I can blog everyday, or most days, at the very least I will improve my attention span.

This blog will dedicated, but not limited to, short vignettes to hone my rather rusty writing skills, random critiques of various things I read and the occasional rumbles of my ever so slightly disturbed minds.

So future subjects, I apologise for any drivel you may have to wade through but I hope the finished attempt will entertain and enthrall you.

P.S. Anyone with an awesome plan for the eventual subjugation of the human race, please feel free to share :)

1 comment:

  1. World domination? We must cooperate!

    P.S. Once I figure out a more coherent plan, I will get back to you on that!

    P.P.S. Just because you did not get to where you wanted to be by 26, doesn't mean you won't by 36. And 30s are the new 20s. Or so I myself think!

