Tuesday 12 July 2011

Warning: Never get between a Delicate Flower and her hot showers

There are some things in this life that a young(ish) English girl of moderate means should not have to suffer through in this life.

Top of the list would be cold showers.

In my life I have stayed with many people (bless you all) for a variety of reasons and every single one of them would agree - I am NOT a morning person. I like my bed, I like my sleep and I can be rather... disgruntled when this is interrupted by a rude alarm telling me that it's time to get up and go to work. I am the Queen of the Snooze Button.

After (occasionally quite literally) dragging myself out of bed I then stagger around in a manner not unlike an 80's B-movie zombie. Neither caffeine, nor food, nor Act of God can shake me from stupor. In fact, the only thing that can is the heaven that is called 'a hot shower'. Sometimes, it's the only reason I can convince myself it's a good idea to be vertical today.

So you can imagine my absolute horror, my utter indignation when I crawled into the bath, turned on the shower and all that came out was the bitter freezing water of Helheimr.

This water wasn't just cold - it was the kind of cold where, after a few moments, you think ' oh, it's warmed up'. Then you move it to  another part of your body and scream - it's not the water that's warmed up - it's your flesh that's gone numb.

This occurred on and off for a couple of days. My water boiler was apparently quite happy to heat the water in the evening, when I wasn't so fussed about it, but refused to give me anything but zero temperatures in the morning when I desperately needed it.

Luckily I rent my flat from http://www.equinoxresidential.co.uk/, which is a very small lettings agent run by Nigel. He has sworn faithfully that he will get the plumber to call me back today and to come and sort it out.
If he does, I will be very happy.

After all, I am a Delicate English Rose - how on earth am I supposed to stop myself from going on a murderous rampage if I do not have my hot shower in the morning?

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