Tuesday 4 October 2011

For the Man with the Holy Tenant in his mind ;)

It was, the wiry man in the tweed suit thought, only a minor inconvenience really, that he was literally trapped in a mental state – and not even his own one at that.
When he had first crash landed here, way back when, it had taken him quite a while to realise that he was, in fact, trapped in someone else’s mind. The constantly shifting scenery had been a bit of clue. It had given him quite the bad case of vertigo until he had managed to meld himself in the dominant consciousness – now what he saw could be filtered through his own senses and thus appear in a form that he was comfortable with.

He had even found a function for himself within his hosts mind (always a good thing to have – it could be dangerous to be an alien piece of flotsam floating around in someone else’s subconscious – you never knew what defences the host could have dreamt up)

Having been revered as an excellent grammar teacher throughout the galaxies (as well as for a few other things) he delighted in being able to share his verbal accuracy with his host.

Almost unfortunately his host already had an excellently clear sighted mind but he was still determined to aid him in any way he could.

In fact…..

The halo of light visible around his head began to shine, a sound not unlike the chiming silver bells began to be heard.

“Ah ha!” The man sprung up and began racing through the various corridors, the light and sound getting louder and brighter respectively. Soon the man saw his prey in sight, slithering round the corner ahead.

But this part of the mind was his domain – and under his control. All the corridors sloped downwards and the floors were supremely smooth for a reason.

And the man hadn’t won the galactic roller-skating championship three years in a row for nothing.

He took the corner on one foot and two wheels and pounced on his prey.

His ‘prey’ appeared to be a long serpent weaved out of glowing lines of thread. It was a quite beautiful matrix of light and colours but some parts of it appeared dark – or as if the thread was fuzzy and frayed. Holding the serpent down by its head, the man got out his marker pen and starting working on it, pulling gently on the frayed threads, re-weaving their shape, re-writing over the darkened bits with his marker until they too glowed.

“Using such an obscure terminology with such a clichéd, inaccurate simile?’ the man could be heard muttering to himself, “that’s unlike you – I told you drinking that much was a bad idea. She’s not going to have a clue what you’re talking about.”

He leant back and admired his handiwork. “Now, that’s more like it. Go on, off you go.” He said to the serpent.

It slithered off, much more subdued, but its glow now lit the walls with a myriad of colours.

“Beautiful” the man sighed.

With a bit of mental pressure he turned his roller-skates back to converses. Whistling merrily he sauntered back to his attic hideout for a well deserved cup of cocoa.

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